Personal details
Name of the applicant
Date of Birth
Name of the parent/guardian/spouse
Occupation of the parent/guardian/spouse
Annual income
Address of communication
Mobile number
Whatsapp number
Email id
If yes, type of disability
Upload your recent passport size photograph (max 1 mb)
Upload your aadhar card or any other government identity card (max 1 mb)
Educational details
Bachelor’s degree (undergraduation)
Name of the institution
Year of passing
Master’s degree (postgraduation), if any:
Name of the institution
Year of passing
Higher qualifications, if any
Professional/employment details
If yes, specify the company name, role and duration
Upsc civil service examination (cse) related details
If yes, specify the name of the institute
If yes, number of attempts
If yes, upload the proof of same
If yes, upload the proof of same
Optional subject
If yes, upload the proof of same
Other details
Confirm Submission