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Lachit Borphukan

Lachit Borphukan

  • Lachit Divas is annually observed on November 24th, coinciding with the birthday of Lachit Borphukan. This celebration takes place throughout the state of Assam, serving as a tribute to the courage and exceptional contributions of Lachit Borphukan in the triumph of the Battle of Saraighat.
  • The primary objective of commemorating Lachit Divas is to promote the principles exemplified by Lachit Borphukan, a legendary figure. As the valiant commander-in-chief of the Ahom army, he not only led by personal example but also guided his kingdom to victory.

Who was Lachit Borphukan?

  • Born on November 24, 1622, Borphukan gained fame for his leadership during the Battle of Saraighat in 1671, where he successfully thwarted Mughal forces attempting to capture Assam.
  • Lachit Borphukan was the youngest among the children of Momai Tamuli Borbarua who was also the Commander-in-chief of the Ahom army and his mother, Kunti Mohan. The conflict of the Mughals with the Ahom kingdom was not new and had already been initiated in the year 1615 which continued for a long time.
  • On completion of his studies, Lachit was given the rank of Soladhara Barua in the Ahom kingdom followed by other important positions before he finally became the commander-in-chief.
  • This was the time when the Mughals had already taken control of Guwahati which led to some unfortunate events but was taken up by Lachit Borphukan in the later years
  • The Battle of Saraighat, fought on the banks of the Brahmaputra in Guwahati in 1671, is recognized as one of the greatest riverine naval battles, resulting in the victory of the Ahoms over the Mughals.
  • Lachit Borphukan played a pivotal role in strengthening India’s naval force, revitalizing inland water transport, and developing associated infrastructure through his strategic naval initiatives.
  • The Lachit Borphukan gold medal is conferred upon the best cadet from the National Defence Academy, instituted in 1999 to inspire defense personnel to emulate Borphukan’s heroism and sacrifices. He passed away on April 25, 1672.


What do we Know about the Ahom Kingdom?


Founded in 1228 in the Brahmaputra valley of Assam, the Ahom kingdom retained sovereignty for 600 years.


Chaolung Sukapha, a 13th-century ruler, established the kingdom.

Political Setup:

The Ahoms established a new state by suppressing the older political system of bhuiyans (landlords), relying on forced labor called paiks.


  • Ahom society was organized into clans or khels, with each khel often controlling multiple villages. While Ahoms worshipped their tribal gods, they adopted Hinduism and the Assamese language.
  • Intermarriage: The Ahoms assimilated into Assamese culture through intermarriage with the local population.

Art and Culture:

The Ahom kingdom encouraged poets, scholars, and theatre. Sanskrit works were translated into the local language, and historical works known as buranjis were written in Ahom and later in Assamese.



Lachit Borphukan Gold Medal

To recognize and commemorate the bravery of Lachit Borphukan in all the battles that he fought for his kingdom including the Battle of Saraighat, the Lachit Borphukan Gold Medal was brought into existence in 1999. This medal is awarded to all those cadets of the National Defence Academy who perform at their highest level.

  • The Lachit Borphukan Gold medal is a reminder of Lachit’s sacrifices and the amount of dedication and bravery he displayed being the commander of the Ahom army.
  • It is a step towards inspiring and encouraging the defense personnel to give their best for their country.

Apart from the gold medal, a 35 feet statue of the legendary Lachit Borphukan was also inaugurated in 2016 in the middle of the river Brahmaputra, in Guwahati by the former chief minister Tarun Gogoi



Exercise Surya-Kiran


  • Exercise SURYA KIRAN is an annual joint military exercise conducted alternately in India and Nepal, involving the Indian Army and the Nepali Army.
  • The Indian Army contingent, led by a battalion from the Kumaon Regiment and consisting of 354 personnel, collaborates with the Nepal Army contingent represented by the Tara Dal Battalion.
  • The primary objective of the exercise is to enhance interoperability in jungle warfare, counter-terrorism operations in mountainous terrain, and proficiency in humanitarian assistance and disaster relief as per the United Nations Charter on peacekeeping operations.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Key focus areas include the utilization of drones and counter-drone measures, medical training, aviation aspects, and environmental conservation.
  • The exercise serves as a platform for Indian and Nepali soldiers to exchange ideas, share experiences, and develop a deeper understanding of each other’s operational procedures.
  • It symbolizes the strong bonds of friendship, trust, and cultural linkages between India and Nepal, reinforcing the commitment of both nations to broader defence cooperation.


Defense Cooperation between India and Nepal

  • The aspects of India and Nepal’s defence cooperation are:
  • Assistance during disasters
  • Joint military exercises
  • Adventure activities and

Bilateral visits

  • Indian Army training institutions host various training courses which a number of defense personnel from the Nepal Army attend.
  • Since 1950, India and Nepal have been awarding each other’s Army Chief with the honorary rank of General in recognition of the mutually harmonious relationship between the two armies.
  • The Gorkha regiments of the Indian Army are raised partly by recruitment from hill districts of Nepal.
  • 32,000 Gorkha Soldiers from Nepal are serving in the Indian Army.

There is one Military Pension Branch in Kathmandu, 2 pension paying offices and 22 District Soldier Boards in Nepal that function under the Defense Wing of the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu.

Their functions are:

  • Disbursement of pensions
  • Organisation of welfare programmes for re-training, rehabilitating and assisting ex-Gurkha soldiers and their families


NASA Psyche Mission


  • The journey to the asteroid, named Psyche, is set to span nearly six years, covering a distance of approximately 3.6 billion kilometers.
  • Situated between Mars and Jupiter, the asteroid orbits the Sun. Psyche is believed to be the residual core of a planetesimal, predominantly composed of iron-nickel metal.
  • Studying Psyche from orbit holds the potential to offer invaluable insights into the composition of Earth’s core.
  • In addition to its primary mission, the Psyche spacecraft will host NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) experiment, a pioneering technology demonstration.
  • The DSOC experiment aims to test high-bandwidth optical communications back to Earth during the initial two years of Psyche’s journey.
  • This experiment has the potential to revolutionize the way data is transmitted over vast distances in space, potentially enhancing our capability to explore the farthest reaches of the solar system. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is responsible for mission management, operations, and navigation.


NASA Psyche Mission


Scientific Instruments:

  • Multispectral Imager: Capture images across different wavelengths.
  • Gamma Ray & Neutron Spectrometer: Analyze elemental composition.
  • Magnetometer: Measure magnetic fields. Confirmation of a remanent magnetic field at Psyche would be strong evidence that the asteroid formed from the core of a planetary body.
  • X-band Gravity Science Investigation: Study gravitational effects of Asteroid on spacecraft.
  • Deep Space Optical Communication (DSOC): Test laser-based communication technology using near-infrared wavelengths for faster data transmission between the spacecraft and Earth