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Mains 10-05-2024

Hydropower Concerns over Climate Change

Why in news?

  • Droughts — and sudden floodswhich can damage hydropower dams — made more frequent and severe by climate change are an “increasing concern” for hydropower.


  • Recent droughts in Colombia and Ecuador have severely hampered energy supplied by hydropower.
  • This has led Ecuador to declare a state of emergencyand institute power cuts.
  • Hydropower accounts for over 80% of electricity generationin the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Malawi, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia — many of which are also struggling with severe droughts.


What is Hydropower?

  • Hydropower, or hydroelectric power, is one of the oldest and largest sources of renewable energy, which uses the natural flow of moving water to generate electricity. 


  • Hydropower currently generates more electricity than all other renewable technologies combined and is expected to remain the world’s largest source of renewable electricity generation into the 2030s.
  • Classification of Hydro Projects based on Installed Capacity: 
    • Micro: upto 100 KW
    • Mini:101KW to 2 MW
    • Small: 2 MW to 25 MW
    • Mega: Hydro projects with installed capacity >= 500 MW
  • India:In 2022-23, hydropower accounted for 5 percent of power generation in India. India had about 4745.6 MW pumped storage capacity in operation in 2023.
    • The hilly States of Indiamainly Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand constitute around half of this potential.
    • Other potential States are Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and Kerala.


Significance of Hydro Power:

  • Renewable Energy Source:Hydropower is a renewable energy source because it relies on the water cycle, which is continuously replenished by rainfall and snowmelt.
    • This makes it a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Clean Energy:Hydropower produces minimal greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil fuels, making it an environmentally friendly option for generating electricity.
  • Reliable and Predictable:Unlike solar and wind energy, which are intermittent and dependent on weather conditions, hydropower provides a consistent and reliable source of electricity.
  • Flexible and Controllable:Hydropower plants can quickly adjust their output to match changes in electricity demand.
  • Multipurpose Use:Hydropower projects often serve multiple purposes beyond electricity generation.
    • They can provide flood control by regulating water flow, irrigation for agriculture, water supply for communities, and recreational opportunities such as boating and fishing.
  • Long Lifespan:Hydropower infrastructure, such as dams and turbines, can have long lifespans, often exceeding 50 years with proper maintenance. This longevity ensures a stable and enduring source of energy for a longer period of time.



  • Environmental Impact: Large-scale hydropower projects often require damming rivers, which alter ecosystems, disrupt fish habitats, and impact local biodiversity.
    • It also leads to issues like sediment buildup and water temperature changes downstream, affecting aquatic life.
  • Social Impacts:Building dams and reservoirs displace communities and disrupt livelihoods, especially those relying on the affected rivers for fishing or agriculture.
  • High Initial Costs:Constructing hydropower facilities involves significant upfront investment costs.
  • Climate Change Vulnerability: Hydropower generation relies on consistent water flow, which can be affected by climate change-induced variations in precipitation patterns and glacial melt. 
    • A UK based thinktank found that the drought — likely exacerbated by climate change — drove an 8.5% drop in hydroelectricityaround the world over the last two decades.
  • Sedimentation: Dams trap sediment flowing downstream, leading to reservoirs gradually filling up with sediment over time.
    • This reduces the reservoir’s capacity and impacts the efficiency and lifespan of the hydropower facility.
  • Maintenance Challenges:Hydropower infrastructure requires regular maintenance to ensure safe and efficient operation.


Way Ahead

  • The solution for the countries is to diversify their power sourcesby incorporating other renewable technologies — such as wind and solar — into their energy mix.
  • Innovations around placing floating solar panelson the water’s surface in hydropower plants — as countries such China and Brazil are exploring — have significant potential.
  • Building more medium scale plants, rather than the mega dams of the past, would help mitigate the climate-risks associated with overdependence on one big piece of infrastructure.
  • Without major policy changes, global hydropower expansion is expected to slow down this decade.

SC Reserves 33% Seats for Women in Bar Association Committee


Why in news?

  • The Supreme Court reserved one-third of the seatsin the executive committee of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) for women.


  • The court directed that a minimum of three out of nine seatsin the executive committee and at least two out of six senior executive members be reserved for women members of the Bar.
  • The bench clarified that this reservation will not bar eligible women membersfrom contesting for other posts as well, and directed that one post of the office-bearers of SCBA shall be exclusively reserved for women by turn and on a rotation basis.
  • The reservation is only to guarantee a minimum and women members of the SCBA,subject to their eligibility, shall be entitled to contest the election for all the posts in the Executive Committee.


Supreme Court Bar Association 

  • The Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) in India is an organization comprising lawyers who are enrolled as members of the Supreme Court of India. 
  • It represents theinterests of lawyers practicing in the Supreme Court and aims to uphold the standards of the legal profession and promote the administration of justice.
  • It also engages in activities aimed at enhancing the legal system and protecting theindependence of the judiciary.
  • The association is governed by its own set of rules and regulations and electsoffice bearers to represent its members and manage its affairs. 


Representation of Women in Judiciary

  • Justice Beevibecame the first Muslim woman judge of the Supreme Court, as well as the first woman Supreme Court Justice in Asia in 1989.
  • Since 1989, only11 women have made it to the Supreme Court. Currently, there are only three female judges of the 33 Supreme Court judges.
  • Only 4.1%of all Supreme Court judges have been women, while the remaining 96% are men.
  • There are more women judges at the district court levelthan at the High Court level.
  • Justice Nagarathnais in line to become the first-ever female Chief Justice of India in 2027.
  • The appointment of Justices Kohli, Nagarathna, and Trivedi to the top court in 2021 created history, as this marked the first time that so many females were appointed to the SCin one go.
  • Earlier this year, the Supreme Court elevated 56 advocates as senior advocates,and out of those, 20 percent were women advocates.
    • It was the first time in judicial history when 11 women advocates were given senior designation in one go.


Reasons for the Lack of Representation of Women

  • Historical Reasons:Historically, legal and judicial systems worldwide have been male-dominated, and India is no exception. The legal profession has traditionally been perceived as a male domain, and this mindset has persisted over the years.
  • Societal Expectations and Stereotypes:Societal expectations often dictate traditional gender roles, and there are stereotypes that cast women in roles that are seen as less compatible with the demands of a judicial career.
  • Educational Barriers:Limited educational opportunities for women result in fewer female candidates entering law schools and subsequently pursuing a career in the judiciary.
  • Family and Cultural Expectations:Cultural norms and expectations regarding women’s responsibilities within the family dissuade them from pursuing demanding and time-consuming careers, such as a judicial career.
  • Gender Bias and Discrimination:Stereotypes about women’s capabilities lead to their exclusion from consideration for higher judicial positions.
  • Networking and Mentorship Opportunities: Male-dominated networks and mentorship structures within the legal profession make it challenging for women to access the same opportunities for career advancement.
  • Appointment Procedure: The lower judiciary has a better representation of women than the High Court and Supreme Court.
    • That’s perhaps because entry to the lower judiciary is through an examination, while the High Court and Supreme Court are decided by the collegium.


Importance of Representation of Women in Judiciary

  • Gender Equality:A diverse judiciary ensures a more inclusive and representative legal system.
  • Fairness and Impartiality:Having a judiciary that reflects the diversity of the population helps in dispelling biases and promoting impartial decision-making.
  • Inspiration and Role Modeling:Women judges can act as role models, encouraging more women to pursue careers in law.
  • Access to Justice for Women:Women may feel more comfortable and understood when their cases are heard by judges who share similar life experiences and perspectives.
  • Legal Interpretation and Legislation:Women judges can provide unique insights into legal interpretation and the development of legislation, particularly in areas related to gender-based issues, family law, and women’s rights.
    • Their presence can influence legal discourse and contribute to the evolution of more gender-sensitive laws.
  • Global Norms and Commitments: Internationally, there is a growing recognition of the importance of gender diversity in all sectors, including the judiciary.



  • The lack of representation of women in the judiciary, combined with the traditional exclusionary attitude towards women, has led to a lack of diversity within the judicial system.
  • Therefore, it is essential that efforts to increase diversity in the judiciary are made to ensure a more equitable court system.
  • There is a requirement to enhance transparency in the judicial system. This will create more opportunities for women to prove their mettle and create a level playing field.