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Mains 19-03-2024

Agni-V Ballistic Missile:

Why in the News?

  • On March 11, Prime Minister Modi announced the successful flight test of an Agni V ballistic missile with Multiple Independently targetable Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology.

Integrated Guided Missiles Development Programme (IGMDP):

  • The IGMDP, overseen by the Ministry of Defence, was an initiative aimed at conducting research and development across a wide spectrum of missile systems. The project was started in 1982–83 under the leadership of Dr APJ Abdul Kalam.
  • Nodal agencies- DRDO and Ordnance Factories Board
  • The 5 missiles developed under this program are:
  • Prithvi- Short range surface to surface ballistic missile
  • Trishul- Short range low level surface to air missile
  • Nag- Anti-tank guided missile
  • Akash- Medium range surface to air missile
  • Agni- Surface to surface ballistic missiles with different ranges

Agni Class of Missiles:

  • They are the mainstay of India’s nuclear launch capability.
  • The term Agni means “fire” in Sanskrit, and its meaning is understood in the context of Agni being one of the Pancha Mahabhutas, the five basic elements. Others are Prithvi (Earth), Aapa (Water), Wayu (Air), Akash (Space).
  • Range:
  • Agni I – Range of 700-800 km.
  • Agni II – Range more than 2000 km.
  • Agni III – Range of more than 2,500 Km
  • Agni IV – Range is more than 3,500 km and can fire from a road-mobile launcher.
  • Agni-V – The longest of the Agni series, an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) with a range of over 5,000 km.
  • Agni-P (Prime) – It is a canisterised missile with a range capability between 1,000 and 2,000 km. It will replace the Agni I missile.

About Agni V missile:

  • Agni-V is India’s intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • The range of Agni-V extends beyond 5,000 kilometers and can reach most parts of China.
  • It’s a three-stage missile powered by solid fuel. Using composite motor casing in the second and third stages makes it lighter, improving both its range and payload capacity.
  • The missile latest variant features MIRV technology, which was developed over five decades ago and is possessed by only a few countries.

What is MIRV technology?

  • Multiple Independently Targetable Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) is a missile technology that enables one missile to carry multiple nuclear warheads, each capable of hitting different targets.
  • Currently, the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom possess MIRV-equipped missiles.
  • These missiles can be launched from either land-based platforms or submarines at sea.
Mission Divyastra:

·        Mission Divyastra is the first test flight of India’s indigenously developed Agni-5 missile with MIRV technology, led by the DRDO.




Inter-Governmental Framework Agreement:

Why in news?

  • The Union Cabinet has recently approved its Ex-post facto to the Inter-Governmental Framework Agreement (IGFA).

About the Agreement:

  • It was signed in February, 2024 between India and the United Arab Emirates on Cooperation for the empowerment and operation of the India-Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC).
  • Aim – To enhance the bilateral relations and to further strengthen the relations between the two countries in the Ports, Maritime and Logistics sectors.
  • The cooperation will be based on a set of mutually agreed upon principles, guidelines and agreements consistent with the relevant rules and regulations of the countries’ jurisdiction.

What is IMEC?

  • Members – On the sidelines of the G20 Leaders’ Summit, Leaders of India, European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, UAE and US announced the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC).
  • Aim – Integration of Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
  • The IMEC will comprise of two separate corridors:
  • The east corridor connecting India to the West Asia/Middle East and
  • The northern corridor connecting West Asia/Middle East to Europe.
  • Connectivity: The corridor will provide reliable and cost-effective cross-border ship to rail transit networks to supplement existing maritime routes.


  • Economic Development: By linking Asia, West Asia, the Middle East and Europe through enhanced connectivity and economic integration, the corridor aims to give a boost to economic development in the regions.
  • Connectivity: The corridor will include a rail line, which, upon completion, will provide a reliable and cost-effective cross-border ship-to-rail transit network.
  • The rail line will supplement the existing multi-modal transport routes enhancing trans-shipment of goods and services from South East Asia through India to West Asia/Middle East and Europe.
  • Eco-friendly Infrastructure: It places emphasis on developing environmentally friendly infrastructure.
  • Transformative Integration: It intends to increase efficiency, reduce costs, secure regional supply chains, increase trade accessibility, enhance economic cooperation, generate jobs and lower greenhouse gas emission, resulting in a transformative integration of Asia, Europe and the Middle East (West Asia).