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Prelims 02-05-2024

Ethylene Oxide

Why in news?

  • Singapore recalls India’s spice product over alleged presence of a pesticide called ethylene oxide.

About Ethylene Oxide (EtO)

  • It is a highly reactive compound that has not only been found to be carcinogenic but can also be mutagenic if inhaled.
  • It is a flammable, colorless gas with a sweet, ether-like odor.
  • Ethylene oxide is a food fumigant that prevents microbial contamination, including bacteria, virus, and fungi.
  • Long-term exposure or high concentrations can lead to severe health risks including mutagenicity (changes in DNA), reproductive effects, and carcinogenicity.


  • The discovery of this compound in Indian spice exports underscores the considerable gap in oversight and regulatory alignment between the production standards practiced in India and the standards demanded by international markets.



Chipko Movement

Why in news?

  • The Chipko movement, a landmark environmental movement, marked its 50th anniversary.

About the Chipko Movement

  • It was a forest conservation movementthat created a precedent for starting non-violent protest against deforestation and commercial logging, where villagers, particularly women, embraced trees to prevent them from being cut down.
  • It began in 1973 in Uttarakhand, then a part of Uttar Pradesh (at the foothills of Himalayas) and went on to become a rallying point for many future environmental movements all over the world.


Causes for Movement

  • There was reckless deforestationwhich denuded much of the forest cover, resulting in the devastating Alaknanda River floods of July 1970.
  • The incidences of landslides and land subsidence due to rapid increase in civil engineering projects.

Impact and Spread of the Movement:

  • It quickly spread throughout the Indian Himalayas, inspiring a nationwide environmental concern and influencing policy formulation to balance economic development with environmental protection.

Role of Women

  • Women were not only the backbone of the Chipko Movement but also its mainstay, as they were the ones most affected by the rampant deforestation.
  • The movement is seen as an ecofeminist movement, where women stood up to protect their environment with a message to loggers: ‘Our bodies before our trees’.


World Earth Day

Why in news?

  • World Earth Day, also known as International Mother Earth Day, is Celebratedannually on April 22.


  • It is a globally recognised event dedicated to raising awareness and promoting the sustainability of the planet.
  • Origin:The concept of Earth Day can be traced back to the late 1960s, which saw a surge in public debate over environmental issues.
    • It was first celebrated across US college campuses in 1970 — months after a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara. The movement has since mobilised more than a billion individuals in over 192 countries.
  • Theme: The themes for each Earth Day vary, focusing on different aspects of environmental protection and sustainability.
    • The theme for 2024 is ‘Planet vs. Plastics.
    • It highlights the threat plastics pose to the planet and human health, thereby calling an end to all plastic waste by demanding a 60% reduction in the production of plastics by the year 2040.