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Prelims 08-05-2024


Why in news?

  • The West Zone Task Force of the Hyderabad police seized about 4,800 kg mangoes artificially ripened with ethylene.

About Ethylene

  • Ethylene appears as a colourless gas with a sweet odour and taste.
  • It is lighter than air. It is easily ignited and a flame can easily flash back to the source of the leak.
  • It is an important natural hormone and is used in horticulture to force the ripening of fruits.
    • It enhances the respiration rate during ripening of the fruits.
  • Due to high cost and scarce availability of ethylene gas, traders often use unsafe and banned ripeners like carbide gas which can be potentially harmful to health.



Floating Solar Energy Technology

Why in news?

  • NHPC Limited, the largest organization for hydropower development in India, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a Norwegian company operating as a technology provider to the floating solar industry.


  • As per the MoU, they will explore key areas of cooperation for demonstration of Ocean Sun’s floating solar energy technology based on photovoltaic panels.
  • The panels would be mounted on hydro-elastic membranes, at relevant sites to be identified by NHPC.

About Floating Solar Energy Technology

  • It involves installing solar panelson floating structures situated on water bodies such as lakes, reservoirs, and ponds.
    • It refers to the deployment of photovoltaic panels on the surface of water bodies.
  • The first floating solar plantwas established in Japan in 2007.
  • Almost all the large countries in the world now have modest floating solar installed capacity.
  • In the South Asia region, floating solar projects are operational in India, the Maldives and Bangladesh, while Pakistan and Sri Lanka are in the early stages of exploration.
  • India boasts of the potential capacities of 280-300 GW in floating solar power. However, only a small fraction of its estimated potential has been installed in the states of Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Telangana, Bihar and Rajasthan.
    • India’s largest floating solar power project now operational in Telangana
  • Significance: This not only utilizes otherwise unused water surfaces but also enhances the efficiency of the solar panels due to the cooling effect of water.
  • By covering water surfaces, floating solar also reduces losses from evaporation, conserving precious water resources.
    • The floating solar power plant doesn’t require any land space and is installed on water bodies.
      • The land can be used for other purposes, such as farming or construction 



Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs)


  • Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) proposed a revised regulatory framework for Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs) in the wake of increased integration of the onshore forex market with offshore markets.

About the Electronic Trading Platforms (ETPs)

  • These refer to any electronic system, other than a recognised stock exchange, on which transactions in eligible instruments are contracted.
    • Eligible instrumentsmean securities, money market instruments, foreign exchange instruments, derivatives, or other instruments of like nature.
  • These digital systems facilitate the trading of various financial instruments, such as securities, derivatives, and foreign exchange products.
  • They offer a more efficient, transparent, and accessibleway of trading, making them an attractive option for both institutional and retail investors.

Regulatory Framework for ETPs in India

  • In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)regulates ETPs, by issuing the ‘Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India (Electronic Trading Platforms) Directions, 2024’ to govern the operation of ETPs.
    • Earlier in 2018, RBI informed in its direction, no entityshall operate an ETP for transactions in eligible instruments without obtaining prior authorisation of the Reserve Bank.
  • The directions do not applyto electronic systems operated by scheduled commercial banks and standalone primary dealers for transactions in eligible instruments wherein the bank or the primary dealer operating the electronic system is the sole quote/price provider.