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Prelims 10-05-2024

Water ice Found in Polar Craters of the Moon

Why in news?

  • ISRO study has revealed evidence for enhanced possibility of water ice occurrence in the polar craters of the Moon.


Key Findings of the Study

  • Source of Ice: The primary source of sub-surface water ice in the lunar poles is outgassing during volcanism in the Imbrian period.
  • Presence of Water Ice: There is twice as much water ice in the northern polar region compared to the southern polar region.


  • This study is crucial for supporting ISRO’s future in-situ volatile exploration plans on the Moon and long-term human presence.
  • The findings of this study also supports the earlier study of Chandrayaan-2 related to presence of water on the moon.



Quark Particles

Why in news?

  • Scientists have reported that the insides of most massive neutron stars are most likely made of an unusual state of matter called quark matter.
    • A neutron star is a super-dense leftover of a massive star that went supernova (collapsing of star).

About Quark

  • Quarks are the fundamental building blocks of matter. They are classified as elementary particles, meaning they aren’t made up of any smaller known particles.
  • Quarks never exist alone. They bind together in groups of two or three, through the force mediated by gluons (another fundamental particle), to form composite particles called hadrons. Protons and neutrons are the most stable hadrons.
  • Unlike electrons with their negative whole number charge, quarks have fractional electric charges.
  • There are six types of quarks: up, down, charm, strange, top, and bottom.



Aravalli Range

Why in news?

  • The Supreme Court recently said that illegal mining in the Aravalli range in Rajasthan must stop.


  • The Aravalli Range, stretching over approximately 692 kilometres (430 miles) in a northeastern direction, traverses the Indian states of Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Haryanabefore culminating in Delhi, is the oldest mountain range in India.
  • The mountain range is characterised by rugged hills, rocky outcrops, and sparse vegetation,and it plays a crucial role in the region’s ecology and hydrology.
  • The Aravallis serve as a natural barrier against desertification,and helps regulate the climate, supports diverse ecosystems, and acts as a watershed for several rivers, including the Sabarmati, Luni, and Banas.
  • Rich in biodiversity, the Aravallis are home to a variety of flora and fauna, including dry deciduous forests, scrublands, and grasslands,as well as numerous species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects.