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Prelims – 1st Nov 23

PPP Investment Models


  • Private partner is responsible to design, build, operate (as per the contract) and transfer back the facility to the public sector.
  • Private sector partner has to bring the finance for the project.
  • The national highway projects contracted out by NHAI under PPP mode is a major example for the BOT model.


  • The private entity is responsible for designing, building, managing, and maintaining the asset.
  • However, the risk for the private entity is low as it receives a fixed sum as annuity from the public entity at regular intervals throughout the duration of the contract


  • Government allows a private company to finance, build and operate infrastructure over a specified period, and the private company retains ownership of the infrastructure.


BOOT Model

  • Private partner has the responsibility for construction and operations. Ownership is with the private partner for the duration of the concession.


EPC Model

  • Private entity is responsible for designing, financing and building the asset. Then it is transferred to the public entity.



  • In this model, the public entity finances 40% of the project cost, and private entity has to finance the remaining 60%
  • The ownership, as well as operations, remain the responsibility of the public entity while the private entity only has to provide the engineering expertise.


National Digital Nagrik Forum

  • It is an online platform that aims to advance the rights of traders and consumers and other sections of society, and shape policy to boost the digital trade economy.
  • The forum aims to raise awareness about digital regulations and help build the capacities of citizens to engage with innovation via expert sessions and instructional materials.
  • Objective: To shape policy discourse around digital economy trade in India with a view to contributing to the Government of India’s vision of creating a trillion-dollar digital economy while maintaining an open, safe, trusted and accountable internet ecosystem.
  • It will conduct awareness camps, digital and physical dialogues and trainings, as well as targeted outreach to stakeholders from government, private sector and civil society,


Voyager 2 Spacecraft

  • It is a space probe launched by NASA on August 20, 1977.
  • It is part of the Voyager program, which also includes Voyager 1.
  • Primary mission: To study the outer planets of our solar system and their moons, and then continue an interstellar mission.
  • It is the second spacecraft to enter interstellar space. On Dec. 10, 2018, the spacecraft joined its twin—Voyager 1—as the only human-made objects to enter the space between the stars.
  • It carries a Golden Record, a phonograph record containing sounds and images from Earth, intended to be a message to any potential extraterrestrial civilizations it might encounter in the future.