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Prelims 20-04-2024

Lavender Cultivation

Why in news?

  • CSIR’s scientific interventions have led to the phenomenal growth of lavender cultivation and development of lavender products.

About Lavender

  • Lavenders are small evergreen shrubs with gray-green hoary linear leaves.
  • The purple flowers are sparsely arranged on spikes at the tips of long bare stalks and produce small nutlet fruits.
  • Distribution: It is native to the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and southern Europe through northern and eastern Africa and Middle Eastern countries to southwest Asia and southeast India.
  • The variety of Lavender is highly suitable for cultivation in the rainfed temperate regions of India.
  • The success of Lavender cultivation in J&K earned it the sobriquet, ‘Purple Revolution’.
  • In 2016, the central government launched the ‘Aroma Mission’ to boost cultivation of plants like lavender that have aromatic medicinal properties


  • Lavender shows promising potential as a therapeutic and aromatic herb that can positively contribute towards India’s economic and medical prospects.
  • Kashmir’s lavender is captivating both domestic and international markets.
  • Lavender farming can prove profitable for farmers given a sustained demand and organised farmer activities.


Curative Petition

Why in news?

  • Recently, the Supreme Court of India has provided significant relief to the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) by setting aside its 2021 judgement.

About the Curative Petition

  • It is a concept that originated in India and is used as a last resort to seek justice from the Supreme Court.
  • It is a rare legal remedy for those who believe they have been wronged by the court’s decision.


  • A curative writ jurisdiction as a layer of appeal against a Supreme Court decision is not prescribed in the Constitution.
  • It is a judicial innovation, designed for correcting ‘grave injustices’ in a ruling of the country’s top court.
  • The concept of a curative petition was first introduced by the Supreme Court of India in the case of Rupa Ashok Hurra vs Ashok Hurra and Anr (2002).

Procedure for Filing:

  • A curative jurisdiction can only be filed after a review plea has already been dismissed by the Supreme Court.
  • It must be first circulated to a Bench of three senior-most judges, and the judges who passed the concerned judgement, if available.
  • If the majority of the judges on this Bench agree that the matter needs hearing, then it would be sent to the same Bench (as far as possible) which passed the judgement affecting the petition.