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DAY 5 (20-09-23)

Q1. Consider the following statements:

  1. The non-official majority was allowed in the provincial legislative council whereas the official majority was retained in the Central legislative council.
  2. It introduced the association of Indians in the Viceroy’s executive council.
  3. The concept of a separate electorate was introduced and it legalized communalism in British India.

Which of the statements given above were features of the Indian Council Act of 1909?

     (a) 1 and 3 only

     (b) 2 and 3 only

     (c) 1 and 2 only

     (d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer: (d)


Statement 1 is correct: Indian Council Act of 1909 considerably increased the size of the legislative councils, both Central and provincial. The number of members in the Central legislative council was raised from 16 to 60. The number of members in the provincial legislative councils was not uniform.It retained official majority in the Central legislative council, but allowed the provincial legislative councils to have non- official majority.

Statement 2 is correct: The Act provided (for the first time) for the association of Indians with the executive councils of the Viceroy and Governors. Satyendra Prasad Sinha became the first Indian to join the Viceroy’s executive council. He was appointed as the Law Member.

Statement 3 is correct: It introduced a system of communal representation for Muslims by accepting the concept of ‘separate electorate’. Under this, the Muslim members were to be elected only by Muslim voters. Thus, the Act ‘legalized communalism’ and Lord Minto came to be known as the Father of Communal Electorate.


Q2. Consider the following statements:

  1. People are source of origin of the Indian Constitution.
  2. Sovereignty under the Indian Constitution lies with three organs of state.
  3. Though India has constitution but it lacks constitutionalism.

Which one of the following options is correct?

     (a) 1 only

     (b) 1 and 2 only

     (c) 2 only

     (d)2 and 3 only

Answer: (a)


Statement 1 is correct: The opening and the closing words of the preamble are ‘We, the people of India…adopt, enact and give ourselves this Constitution’. This clearly conveys that the people are the source of origin of the Constitution.

Statement 2 is incorrect: According to the above explanation, we can say that the Constitution originated from the people, and the sovereignty under the Constitution lies with the people. The Constitution was an instrument of the popular will of the people of the country, and no one was opposed to the enactment of the Constitution.

Statement 3 is incorrect: India has both the constitution as well as constitutionalism as it has the basic ingredients necessary for constitutionalism like Rule of Law, Separation of Power, Checks and Balances etc.


Q3. With reference to Santiniketan, consider the following statements :

  1. It was established in 1921 by Rabindranath Tagore in West Bengal.
  2. Visva-Bharati in Santiniketan is only central university whose chancellor is the Prime Minister.
  3. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

How many of the above statements are correct?

     (a) Only one

     (b) Only two

     (c) All three

     (d) None

Answer: (b)


Statement 1 is incorrect: Santiniketanis located in the state of West Bengal. It was established in 1901 by Rabindranath Tagore.It was a residential school and centre for art based on ancient Indian traditions.

Statement 2 is correct: In 1921, a ‘world university’ was established at Santiniketan, later recognised as ‘Visva Bharati’. It is only central university whose chancellor is the Prime Minister.

Statement 3 is correct: Recently, Santiniketanwas included in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List.Santiniketan has been recognized by UNESCO as India’s 41st World Heritage Site.


Q4. Consider the following statements regardingMonoclonal Antibodies (MABs) :

  1. They are naturally occurring proteins produced by the immune system to fight against cancer.
  2. They work by recognising and finding specific proteins on cancer cells.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

     (a) 1 only

     (b) 2 only

     (c) Both 1 and 2

     (d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (b)


Statement 1 is incorrect: Antibodies are found naturally in our blood and help us to fight infection. MABs mimic natural antibodies but are made in a laboratory. Monoclonal means all one type. So, each MABs is a lot of copies of one type of antibody.

Statement 2 is correct: MABs work by recognising and finding specific proteins on cancer cells.Each MAB recognises one particular protein. So different MABs have to be made to target different types of cancer. Depending on the protein they are targeting, they work in different ways to kill the cancer cell. Or to stop it from growing.


Q5. With reference to the PM Vishwakarma scheme, consider the following statements :

  1. It will provide support to artisans and craftspeople only in rural areas across India.
  2. The prospective beneficiaries will be registered free of charge through common services centres
  3. The government will provide up to ₹3 lakhs loan without any (bank) guarantee.

How many of the above statements are correct?

     (a) Only one

     (b) Only two

     (c) All three

     (d) None

Answer: (b)


Statement 1 is incorrect: The scheme will provide support to artisans and craftspeople in rural and urban areas across India.In the first year, five lakh families will be covered and a total of 30 lakh families will be covered over five years from FY24 to FY28.

Statement 2 is correct: PM Vishwakarma’s scheme will be fully funded by the Union government with an outlay of ₹13,000 crore.Under the scheme, the prospective beneficiaries will be registered free of charge through common services centres using the biometric-based PM Vishwakarma portal.

Statement 3 is correct: The beneficiaries of the PM Vishwakarma Scheme will be given a toolkit incentive of ₹15,000, collateral-free credit support up to ₹1 lakh (first tranche) and ₹2 lakh (second tranche) at a concessional interest rate of 5%, incentive for digital transactions and marketing support.