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DAY 11 (26-09-23)

Q1. Which one of the following statements is correct?

(a) Rights are claims of the State against the citizens.

(b) Rights are privileges which are incorporated in the Constitution of a State.

(c) Rights are claims of the citizens against the State.

(d) Rights are privileges of a few citizens against the many.

Answer: (c)


In most cases, the claimed rights are directed towards the state. That is, through these rights people make demands upon the state. When a citizen asserts his right to education, he calls upon the state to make provisions for his basic education. Thus, rights place an obligation upon the state to act in certain kinds of ways. So, combining the above two characteristics of Rights, it can be concluded that Rights are claims of the citizens against the State. Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.



Q2. Atlantic declaration, recently in news, is a pact between :

(a) NATO and Ukraine

(b) USA and Canada

(c) Germany and France

(d) USA and UK

Answer: (d)


Recently, Britain and the United States announced a new “Atlantic Declaration” for greater cooperation on pressing economic challenges in areas like clean energy, critical minerals and artificial intelligence.Therefore, option (d) is the correct answer.



Q3. Which among the following provisions of the constitution supports federation with centralizing tendency in the context of India?

  1. A single and flexible constitution
  2. Provision of All India Services
  3. Appointment of State Governor by the Center.

How many of the above statements are correct?

(a)  Only one

(b)  Only two

(c)   All three

(d)  None

Answer: (c)


Statement 1 is correct:Unlike the USA, where it has two sets of constitutions for center and states, India has a single constitution for both states and center. The Indian constitution is also flexible unlike the case of a true federation where it will be rigid. This is a centralizing tendency as states boundaries can be altered by the center.

Statement 2 is correct: The candidates selected for All India services were recruited and trained by the center but are to beserved in the states, which do not have the capacity to ‘remove’ them.

Statement 3 is correct: The governor having many discretionary powers at the state is appointed by the center. This is one of the major centralizing tendencies.



Q4. Consider the following statements:

  1. Evergreening of loans is a process of removing bad loans from the bank’s asset book.
  2. Loan write-off is a practice of extending new or additional loans.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (d)


Statement 1 is incorrect: Evergreening of loans is a practice of extending new or additional loans to a borrower who is unable to repay the existing loans, thereby concealing the true status of the non-performing assets (NPAs) or bad loans.

Statement 2 is incorrect:Loan write-off is a process of removing bad loans from the bank’s asset book. This action is taken when the borrower has failed to repay the loan, and the chances of recovering the outstanding amount are very low.



Q5. Consider the following statements :

  1. Resin Identification Codes (RIC) are the number on the bottom of some rigid plastic packaging.
  2. RIC were developed to categorise plastic into types, to ensure consistency in plastics manufacturing and recycled plastics reprocessing.
  3. The RIC only applies to plastic.

Which of the above statements are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer: (d)


Statement 1 is correct: Resin Identification Codes are the number that you see on the bottom of some rigid plastic packaging. They were developedby the Plastics Industry Association in 1988.

Statement 2 is correct: RICcategorise plastic into types, to ensure consistency in plastics manufacturing and recycled plastics reprocessing.Each RIC corresponds to a specific type of resin used in a plastic product. By recycling according to a product’s RIC, the product is able to be properly recycled and have its value preserved.

Statement 3 is correct: The RIC only applies to plastic, not glass, paper, or any other recyclable materials.