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Daily MCQs – 1st Nov 23

Q1. With reference to Annamalai Tiger Reserve, which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. It is surrounded by the Parambikulum Tiger Reserve on the East.
  2. The reserve is home to Kolam tribes.
  3. It supports diverse forest types including dry deciduous, dry thorn and shola forests.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 3 only

(d) 1 and 3 only

Answer: (d)


Statement 1 is correct: The Annamalai Tiger Reserve is located in the Western Ghats Mountain range in the state of Tamil Nadu. It is surrounded by Parambikulum Tiger Reserve on the East, Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary and Eravikulam National Park on the South Western side.

Statement 2 is incorrect: The Annamalai Tiger Reserve is home to six tribes: Kadars, Malasars, Pulaiyars, Mudugars and Eravallan.

Statement 3 is correct:The reserve supports diverse forest types: Wet evergreen forests, semi evergreen forests, moist deciduous, dry deciduous, dry thorn and shola forests.


Q2. Consider the following:

  1. Monitoring Nuclear Proliferation
  2. Astrophysics Research
  3. Direct Imaging
  4. Geological Studies.

In how many of the area(s) mentioned above does Neutrinos find application?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) Only three

(d) All four

Answer: (c)


Neutrinos are tiny subatomic particles. They are often called ‘ghost particles’ because they barely interact with anything else. Neutrinos do not carry an electric charge which means they are not affected by electromagnetic forces. This allows them to pass through matter including most atoms, with minimal interaction.

Neutrinos have a mass much smaller than other fundamental particles like electrons or quarks. Neutrinos can be used for monitoring nuclear proliferation. Neutrinos are subatomic particles that are produced in nuclear reactors and other nuclear processes. They interact very weakly with matter, which means that they can travel through great distances without being absorbed. This makes them ideal for detecting nuclear activity from long distances.

Neutrinos are produced in many different astrophysical processes, such as supernova explosions, black holes, and the interactions of cosmic rays with matter. By measuring the properties of these neutrinos, scientists can learn about the conditions and processes that occur in these extreme environments. Neutrinos can pass through large amounts of matter without interacting with it, making them ideal for studying the interior of the Earth.

Neutrinos, due to their weak interactions with matter, are not suitable for direct imaging applications in the way that other particles, such as X-rays or gamma rays, are used for medical or industrial imaging.


Q3. Which one of the following statements best describes the term “Dark Patterns”?

(a) It focuses on designing user interfaces that motivate users to take specific actions or engage with content.

(b) It involves structuring choices and information in a way that makes it easier for users to make decisions in line with their preferences or objectives.

(c) It involves deceptive and unethical design practices used in user interfaces to manipulate or trick individuals into taking actions they may not have intended to take.

(d) It involves organizing and presenting information in a logical and user-friendly manner, helping users find what they need easily and make informed choices.

Answer: (c)


Dark patterns refer to deceptive and unethical design practices used in user interfaces to manipulate or trick individuals into taking actions they may not have intended to take. These practices are typically employed to benefit businesses or organizations at the expense of user autonomy and informed decision-making. Dark patterns are intentionally designed to be misleading and can manifest in various forms.


Q4. Which one of the following defines the term “Total Factor Productivity (TFP)”?

(a) It measures the output or work completed by an individual, team, or organization in relation to the labor input, such as the number of hours worked.

(b) It assesses the overall efficiency of all inputs (labor, capital, materials) used in a production process, considering the ratio of output to these combined inputs.

(c) It evaluates the efficiency of capital investment, measuring the output generated for each unit of capital invested.

(d) It evaluates the effectiveness of innovation and research and development efforts in generating new products, processes, or technologies that contribute to overall productivity.

Answer: (b)


Total Factor Productivity (TFP)assesses the overall efficiency of all inputs (labor, capital, materials) used in a production process, considering the ratio of output to these combined inputs. It provides a holistic view of productivity. Indians average almost 48 hours a week, one of the highest globally. India’s productivity rate is $8.47 per hour, despite the long work hours. In comparison, Countries like France work fewer hours (about 30 weekly) but achieve higher productivity ($58.5 per hour).


Q5. With reference to features of the Fundamental Duties, consider the following statements:

  1. All the Fundamental Duties are Civic Duties.
  2. The fundamental duties are non-justiciable.

Which of the statements given above is/are incorrect?

(a) 1 only

(b) 2 only

(c) Both 1 and 2

(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: (a)


Statement 1 is incorrect: Some of them are moral duties while others are civic duties. For instance, cherishing noble ideals of freedom struggle is a moral precept and respecting the Constitution, National Flag and National Anthem is a civic duty.They refer to such values which have been a part of the Indian tradition, mythology, religions and practices. In other words, they essentially contain just a codification of tasks integral to the Indian way of life.

Statement 2 is correct: Like the Directive Principles, the fundamental duties are also non justiciable. The Constitution does not provide for their direct enforcement by the courts. Moreover, there is no legal sanction against their violation. However, the Parliament is free to enforce them by suitable legislation. Unlike some of the Fundamental Rights which extend to all persons whether citizens or foreigners, the Fundamental Duties are confined to citizens only and do not extend to foreigners.